Tips For Mentally Transitioning From Relaxed Hair to Natural Hair

Straight hair that bounces and behaves is simply a recognized standard of beauty. Many women simply prefer straight hair over natural hair. There are numerous women each week who rely on hair dressers for touch ups and weaves to hide chemical damage. Hair damage and total dependence on a stylist for maintainable no longer has to be your reality. If you are willing to embrace the versatility of natural hair you may experience more than you believed possible with your hair.


Many people's mindset keep them fearful from trying to go natural. Unwanted comments, fear about employer perception and spousal reaction are all real reasons that prevent people from transitioning out of the relaxer.

It is common for many adult women to not be in touch with their true texture do to years of perming and relaxing. Growing out two to three inches of new growth will reveal its true texture.

Transitioning to natural hair opens up more styling options. Many women do not understand the effect of the relaxer on the health of their hair until they stop relaxing. Unhealthy ends or hair that appears to not retain length often results in looking for quick fixes.

Quick fixes often include over processing hair relaxers or reapplying relaxer on already relaxed hair. Scalp burns from chemical damage may have become an expected result of a fresh new perm.


Natural hair wearers many times experience the ability to retain more hair by not using harsh chemicals. Salon visit may become necessary less frequent, due to needing less chemical services.

Natural styles can last a week or longer. Regular cuts can help to manage the shape of your hair when its worn out in an afro, twist out, or flat ironed straight.

Use these tips to help go natural. Working with your natural texture opens up more hair choices, than wearing straight hair only with a relaxer. Affirm and accept your own natural beauty whether you choose to wear it kinky, curly, or straight.